Riley Nation


J and gastro

Friday, February 1, 2019 10:50 PM

J had to have an endoscopy and a bravo Ph probe done today.  We are hoping that this will give us some information and waht is going on with the projectile vomiting and not wanting to eat as much.  He can not afford to not eat.  He needs the calories.  He did good up until they were putting him out.  He got scared and we had to hold his hand so he wouldnt grab the mask.  He fell a sleep after a minute or two but it felt like more.  We waited for his doctoe to come out and tell us waht her found.  There is some kind of bacterial something happening.  The opening to the stomach was small and he had to stretch it a bit so that he could get the scope in.  He took biopsy and we will get the results at the end of next week.  He mentioned h-pylorie could be the cause since J had that when we came home from China.  He has been tested twice since then and it was negative.  We did blood work for this a month ago and it was negative, so I don’t think its that.  

S. also statred doin infusions again.  So she and I went and did that after we got home form J appointment.  Hoping that it will jump start her system if she starts doing them again.  She is so exhausted all the time.  The dysautonmia really wipes her out.  This seemed to help last time we did them.  So hoping to see a chinge in another week or so.  

J was quite the rest of the day and didn’t eat much.  He was ready for bed when it was time.  It was a long day