Riley Nation



Thursday, March 12, 2020 12:15 PM

So the latest here in Colorado is 33 cases.  in the USA there are "COVID-19: U.S. at a Glance* ("

  • Total cases: 1,215
  • Total deaths: 36
  • Jurisdictions reporting cases: 43 (42 states and District of Columbia)

US timeline.  The first case in the US was on January 21, 2020 in Washington state. 

January 31, 202 thePresidnet denies travel to and from China.  China is not happy

February 7, 2020 - 91 quarantined passengers arrives at Joint Base Lackland in San Antonio. 

February 29, 2020 - first US death a man in his 50s with other health issues. 

Feburary 29, 2020 President increases its travel restrictions South Korea, Iran, and Italy due to the increasing number of cases in the countries.

March 3, 2020 Lawmakers pass 7.5 billion dollars bill to help fight the virus. 

March 9, 2020 American advised not to travel on cruise ships.  After 2 ships had wide spread of the virus and passenger had to be quarantine at US military bases

March 11, 2020 (

  • President restrict travel to the United States from europe except the United Kingdom and American citizens,  
  • The President is announcing an economic assistance package to help support businesses and workers who have been harmed by this outbreak.
  • President Trump has instructed the Small Business Administration (SBA) to exercise available authority to provide loans to businesses affected by the coronavirus.
  • The President will be instructing the Department of the Treasury to defer tax payments for certain individuals and businesses negatively impacted by the coronavirus 
  • President Trump is calling on Congress to immediately pass payroll tax relief.
  • The President announced that he will soon be taking emergency action to provide financial relief for workers who are ill, quarantined, or caring for others due to the coronavirus
  • The President announced that he will soon be taking emergency action to provide financial relief for workers who are ill, quarantined, or caring for others due to the coronavirus
  • The President also called on Congress to take action to extend this relief for workers

During the 2009-2010 N1H1 -swine flu.   there were 60 million cases, 300,000 hospitalizations, and 18,000 people diedin . 

It began April 15, 2009 and ended  August 11, 2010 when the WHO said it was no longer a threat.. There were two waves of this virus.  The first from Aprill to Mid July of 2009 and the second August 20th, 2009 to.around March 2010. The vacint was available for the second round and was recommend that all people get it.  What the President did nothing except to recomment in 2010 that everyone get the vaccination.   There were no travel restrictions, no work from home mandates if sick, no runs on paper product, meds, water and food.  The public was not scared.  We were told to wash our hands, have good hygiene, dont touch your face, etc.  All things that we afe bring told about COVID-1

Now I know we are still at the begining of this Virus so we will revisit this in a few weeks or months.  But just note the difference between the reponse of COVID-19 and Swine Flu

The different between these two outbreaks is one president did something to protect the America people one did not.  One president is loved by the democratic party and the media and on is venomously hated.  One has done more to put the country back on track and creat jobs, bring jobs back the onther taxed corporations and drove them away and told the American people those jobs will never come back. So in other words to bad so sad. Get over it.  Well those job are coming back.  Guess he was wrong.  I could keep going but I think you get the point.